Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I literally got Dr. off the tennis court on Friday, to give me another scan.

While still sweating and drinking his OJ, he searched and searched and would you believe it - the little sucker was still curled up like Dinky. Anyway, he looked and looked and said that he can't see a penis or testes, so he is gonna say GIRL again, but will confirm in 2 weeks.

If peanut comes out a boy, he is so gonna be wearing PINK!

This weekend was nice. I got to eat sushi in Belize city (without the raw fish), and then tacos in Chetumal. The tacos were guuuuud, with all the salsas and guacamole. I hope that we can go again before it's too uncomfy for me to travel. Oh, and this weekend Peanut's dad finally got a haircut, so all was right with the world. With the new haircut came a bright and happy new mood for me, and I stayed that way all weekend.

In Chetumal we were looking at the baby supplies, and I came across a hooded teddybear towel...then a duckie towel. I said to Jaime, the only thing better would be a FROG towel. Lo and behold, they had one!! Of course I bought it immediately.

Peanut's dad is on holiday this week, and using the time to move in. This time will show whether or not we can live together or murder each other. He has this annoying habit of always wanting to eat what I'm eating, even if he has just finished eating himself. He's lucky he's so cute or it would bug me more. Now I have to deal with dogs AND men begging for food, ayayay. If he doesn't watch out, he'll end up looking like this and I'll have to make a pigpen outside for him and replace his plate with a trough.


The Towers Family said...

OK, we are gonna start buying girls stuff and if Peanut ends up being a boy, then he will be the prettiest dressed boy in all of Belize. I cant hold Maria back any longer, she is dying to spend our money on your child, so stand by for an armful of pressies when we get out there.

Mia Reyes said...

Yeah, i had to harass the doc because mam was harassing ME. She called and swore at me when I told her that I hadn't gone for another scan yet. Peanut is gonna come back from Grannie's house talking like a sailor. I better purchase some especially foul-tasting soap for that eventuality.

The Towers Family said...

OK Peanut, you were warned. Tia Maria and Tio Julian have been shopping and have bought the first batch of many presents. Fingers crossed that you are a girl because its "pink" all the way!!!

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for." -- Anon