Monday, April 21, 2008

Peanut floating about

This is the best scan pic from last Tuesday's visit. Peanut's dad claims you can see a little face. I can sorta make out a spine on the left and maybe 2 little white hands on either side of the head. This peanut's a real contortionist all curled up on his/her back. I hope to see a better image next time, in 3 weeks! Woo! I also hope to be able to tell if we have a little MIA or a little GAVIN floating about in there. Grannie Ada and Tia Alice are driving peanut's mom crazy since they're dying to know the sex. Thanks Tia Alice for the cute baby clothes :-)


The Towers Family said...

Where the heck did GAVIN come from? Didnt see that name in the shortlist!!!
Anyhoo, its deffo a MIA!! and she will be a tidy freak!!
And Tia Maria (lmao still!!!) wants to know exactly how many scans you intend to have!!!!

Mia Reyes said...

Well Jaime liked it, then after googling the name I liked it too. Gavin is a form of the Welsh Gawain, and Sir Gawain was a knight at King Arthur's court. I likey mythology!! It also means little white hawk or something.

Haha yes Tia Maria! Oh we get a scan every month, every time I go to the doc :-)

I hope Mia is a tidy freak, she can do my dishes for me!

Peanut's Dad said...

Tidy freak...ayayaya, Poor Meeeeeee. I already have a grammer freak...hehehe.

Mia Reyes said...

Yes, and it's GrammAR not GrammER ayayay. At least you didn't say "gramma" I guess.

The Towers Family said...

Cant we just say that she is a Reading and Writing freak!!!!

Mia Reyes said...

Well at least the peanut will have SOMEONE to help him/her with homework!

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for." -- Anon